Booking details

In order to try and make the booking process as smooth as possible for you and as admin-lite for me, I have moved to a new booking sytem called “Bookwhen“. In case you need any help through the new system, I’ve written out the process for the usual booking scenarios below and also recorded a few videos of these processes. Please have a look at these if anything is unclear.

First-time booking single entry
  1. Go to the booking page on my website.
  2. Select the class you would like to book on the left-hand side of the page and then select the appropriate ticket type on the right-hand side. You will see the “Select” button transform to the number 1.
  3. Scroll down and click “View selection” which will take you through to a summary of your booking.
  4. Click “Book now”. This will take you through to a page where you can enter your email address.
  5. Click “Continue, which takes you to a page where you fill out the name details of the attendee (almost always this will be you).
  6. Click “Continue”, again and this will take you to the payment page. Currently I only have offline payment enabled. Please just click the check-box  to agree to the offline payment terms.
  7. Finally, click “Complete booking”. You will be shown a page with a reference number (this is also emailed to you) and your booking is complete.
  8. At this point, you can set a password to create an account on Bookwhen, so that the next time you book, you can login and see the classes you have already booked and paid for. Look for the light-blue text box below the box with your booking reference. 
Booking single entry
  1. Go to the booking page on my website and click “Login” towards the top right-hand side. This will log you into your Bookwhen account.
  2. Select the class you would like to book on the left-hand side of the page and then select the appropriate ticket type on the right-hand side. You will see the “Select” button transform to the number 1.
  3. Scroll down and click “View selection” which will take you through to a summary of your booking.
  4. Click “Continue, which takes you to a page where your details will be pre-populated as the attendee.
  5. Click “Book now” and this will take you to the payment page. Currently I only have offline payment enabled. Please just click the check-box to agree to the offline payment terms.
  6. Finally, click “Complete booking”. You will be shown a page with a reference number (this is also emailed to you) and your booking is complete.
Class Pass booking

If you have already purchased a Class Pass, I have set you up on the Bookwhen system so that your existing Class Pass is credited to your account with the appropriate expiry date.

The first time you access this, you will need to set up a password. To do this please follow the instructions below. Please note: you only need to do this the first time you access your account (or if you subsequently forget your password): 

  1. On the Book classes page, click “login” which is towards the top right-hand side of the screen.
  2. Click on “Forgotten password” and then type in the email address on which you receive my weekly emails.
  3. Click on “Send reset code”. This will send an email with a link to set your password. Follow the instructions to set up your password.

Once you have set up your password, go back to the Book classes page and login. 

To book with a valid Class Pass , please follow the instructions below:

  1. Select the class you would like to book on the left-hand side of the screen and then select the ticket type with a green text box saying “Included in your class pass (this is almost always the “Individual single entry” ticket type). The “Select” button will transform into a number 1.
  2. Scroll down and click “View selection” which will take you through to a summary of your booking. Here you will see that the price of the Individual single entry is crossed out and a note shows the class is booked using the Class Pass.
  3. Click “Continue, which takes you to a page where you fill out the name details of the attendee (almost always this will be you).
  4. Click “Book now”. You will be shown a page with a reference number (this is also emailed to you) and your booking is complete.
Class Pass purchase

You can only purchase a new Class Pass at the time you are booking a class. Therefore, I believe the easiest way to purchase your new Class Pass is as follows:

  1. Select a class you want to book and then click “Select” on the ticket type which indicates “Can be booked using class passes“. You’ll see the “Basket” in the top right of the screen will have the cost of that ticket added to it. Don’t worry about this for the moment.
  2. Scroll up and on the left of the screen, just above the start of the schedule of classes, you should see the text “SCHEDULE” and “CLASS PASSES”. Click on “CLASS PASSES” to take you to a page which shows the types of Class Pass available.
  3. Click “Select” and the button will trnsform into a number 1 (ie the number of Class Passes you are looking to purchase). Now, you’ll see the basket has changed and the total in the basket is only the cost of the Class Pass. 
  4. Click on “View selections”. This will take you to a summary of the selections you have made. You’ll see that the original class ticket price has been struck out, as this is included in the cost of the Class Pass.
  5. Click through the rest of the booking process and your new Class Pass will be allocated to your account.


If you were a Mindbody client and have already purchased a group of entries, they can be used at face value to exchanged in line with my revised pricing below.

Individual Household
Single class £8.50 £12.00
4-weekly £65.00 £90.00