About me

I am a trainer, mother and wife with a busy schedule and I like to make the hour of each session the most fun filled and intense experience anyone can possibly ask from either yoga, dancing, pilates or personal training.

I love fitness and body movement and my aim is always to get my clientele fit and healthy. I believe “strong is the new skinny!”

I qualified as a Personal Trainer and Exercise to Music instructor with the YMCA over 14 years ago and worked in top London venues, like “YMCA Central”, “The Club” and the Spa at the County Hall Marriott. After moving with the family to the Melbourn/Royston area I became a free lance fitness consultant.

I met Sally at ESSE 9 years ago and she suggested I started using her studios for my various classes and some PT. I never looked back, what a brilliant environment to work in.


I teach a creative and open yoga, with a down-to-earth approach, reflecting my background in personal training. I focus equally on flexibility and strength, specifically in the core. For clients who are new to yoga we start from scratch, with careful thought on alignment, improving back muscles and starting to open hips and “heart”.

Following a course in Supple Strength and Fitness Yoga 10 years ago, I have done courses in Yogalates (a fusion form of yoga and pilates created by Louise Solomon) and Fitness Pilates with Rachel Holmes. Most recently I have broadened my knowledge of Yoga Flow, attending various courses with Claire Missingham (triyoga studios Soho and yogaglo.com), Annie Carpenter (Smart Flow Yoga) and Tiffany Cruickshank (yogamedicine, yogaglo), as well as studying at Camyoga in Cambridge (eg yoga sport science with Hayley Winter). In my class I try to inspire people to be led by their hearts and their passions: you will laugh, sweat and spend the rest of the day buzzing with energy. Every class opens the practitioner to surprising and amazing discovery of self. Every yoga journey is different and personal and I focus on positive thinking and self expression. I encourage my clients to find their own daily purpose to which the practice is dedicated and their own personal goal to aim for, be it strength, focus, acceptance (I emphasise the “I am enough” yogalosophy!), patience or just an extra breath in “Tree” pose! I find this provides clients with something on which to focus, both on and off the mat.

I teach a wide range of different ages and everyone leaves my class with a smile! They challenge their bodies, test their focus and will-power; and they succeed. I am constantly amazed by the abilities of the people in my classes and their improvement. That is my purpose, to see them improve all the time. And they do.


Party Fit

I qualified as a Zumba instructor in 2011 and the fun we all had since then. I also lost inches in the process and found abdominal muscles I didn’t know I had. I found it wasn’t enough for me, so I started adding a lot of commercial and latin tracks, as I like to expand the repertoire to more street moves. Now every session is a party! The feeling of being out with friends, it’s exhilarating, like being part of a dance crew. The smiles, the laughter, the sweat and the litres of water consumed at my Party Fit classes are countless, without mentioning the 500 to 600 calories burnt each session (I guarantee it!).
Some of the comments:

“Giorgia runs a fantastic class. It’s a real workout with the fun element”

“This is one amazing lady, who runs the best class ever! Fitness, fun and you will notice the difference”

You can always count on Giorgia to make you feel more positive about your yoga practice! Thank you, you are truly amazing


Sarah O

Thank you for a fantastic yoga practice!


Jessica H

Fabulous class, you always make us feel better

Nina L

It’s like a massage and a mood booster all wrapped into one

Helen P