Yogabody ten day challenge – Day 2
Pose: Funky Pyramid This is a really tricky one and not for the faint-hearted (or less-flexible!)
Yogabody ten day challenge – Day 1
Pose: Funky Tiger There are two levels available for this pose. The first starts on all fours, lift one leg up and bend at the knee. Reach the opposite hand back to hold the foot. Remember to keep the hips parallel to the floor. The second level is the one shown in...
Make the most of today…
After a fabulous and really fun week end with my friends, I started thinking of what made it so great. As well as the brilliant places where we ate, drank, shopped, ate, drank, laughed, danced and ate and drank again, we actually fashioned a vibrant environment. We...
Summer timetable
Whilst wishing everybody a wonderful summer, I would like to invite you to take a moment and note the changes in my timetable, which you can find here. Guilden Morden Village Hall is closing between the 26th of July and 30th of August inclusive for important...
Easter Holiday schedule
[ezcol_1third] Zumba @ ESSE 7.00pm & 8.15pm Monday 31st March: No class 7th April: Classes as usual 14th April: Classes as usual 21st April: No class (Bank Holiday) Yoga Flow @ ESSE 8.00am Wednesday 2nd April: Class as usual 9th April: Class as usual 16th April:...
I can not do it all..
So what? While I am running (again) around my five mile loop, desperately hoping my knee will not be painful again, I start to get a little depressed at the thought of having to pull out of my half marathon. It’s this Sunday, so I don’t have a plan B! I feel guilty,...